Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Sound Project

 Sound Project 

After watching the videos provided and learning more about foley sounds, I was able to choose a variety of different sounds that I could add to my project. For instance, I was able to get inspiration and choose different sounds for scenes that show footsteps, scenes where it is raining, or scenes with loud wind. With the help of these videos, I was able to add ideas and methods to my notes. The videos not only inspired me to be creative and experiment with different sounds but also to appreciate the work of individuals who implement their creativity on amazing films and creations around the world. 

For the sound project, we were able to learn how to tell a story through sound effects and other auditory techniques. Working in partners, we brainstormed ideas for scenes that were school-appropriate and could be developed in a 1-2 minute timespan. We could include a maximum of 7 words throughout the film.  

We shared different ideas and experiences we had in common, and we knew that other people also might have experienced. Consequently, a goal that we wanted to achieve was for the audience to identify or relate to the scene being described. With these ideas and goals, we completed a brainstorming sheet, which then came to be an outline of the order of each sound chronologically. We included as many details as we could and organized each idea as logically as possible. We chose the scene of a "midnight snack (drink)," in which, with the use of foley sounds, we described the process of going to the kitchen at midnight to get a drink.

Brainstorming/Outline sheet 

While creating the ad and recording the sounds, we tried to be as creative as possible and implement different objects to create the sounds, such as a refrigerator, wooden floor, etc. We were also inspired by the videos we previously saw and the notes we took from them. 

 When it came to editing the sounds together, I utilized the iMovie app since I was already familiar with its features and sound tools. With the iMovie app, I was able to edit the different sounds in a much easier and faster way compared to other apps, as well as in a much more comfortable and accessible way. 

Editing process image

Lastly, after analyzing the final product of our project, I am really proud and happy about how it resulted, I believe we were wise and creative when it came to the organization of each sound, and an effective and successful order was created. However, I believe next time, we could improve the quality of some sounds by implementing special microphones or special sound devices so some sounds could be captured in a much more professional way. 

Official link of our Soundscape Project:

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