August 30, 2024
Shots and Angles Quiz
For this assignment, we were instructed to create a story using specific shot types to accurately illustrate our idea and develop tone. We had to choose one or two inanimate objects and create a presentation with 15 shots including an establishing shot, a long shot, two medium shots, two close-ups, an extreme close-up, a point of view shot, any type of shot using a high angle, and any type of shot using a low-angle. The assignment's main purpose was to create a story that is purely developed through our choices of visuals and the organization of various shot types.
I approached the development of my final product by planning out the content and organization of all shots. My plan was illustrated as a short list. On this list, I included the shot type and the content or explanation for each shot. I used my notes from class while writing down the list to choose the best shot type for each scene. I kept the list with me while taking the pictures so I could constantly check the specific purpose of each shot. I had to repeat some shots to make sure the story was successfully clear and developed. After I was satisfied with all of the pictures, I edited some of them by adding details if necessary to make each shot message clear.
With the use of objects like chairs, water bottles, and paper, the presentation illustrates the story of two characters, Pink Bottle and Blue Bottle, and they are about to walk into school. The school implemented metal detectors that can detect phones (which aren't allowed inside of school). However, Pink Bottle decides to take her phone with her, and the detector beeps. Pink Bottle receives a warning. Then, both characters talk about the situation and go to class. During class Pink Bottle decides to take her phone from her out of her but Blue Bottle takes it from her and tells her to follow the rules. At the end, the school bell rings and the story ends.
One of my biggest goals was to demonstrate the characters' friendship and how the conflict affected their bond. I believe that the most important details implemented during the shots were “facial expressions” and the camera placements so the audience could interpret the character's feelings and thoughts throughout the story in a much easier and more successful way. After receiving feedback and reflecting on my project, I concluded that there were some details that I could improve for next time. For instance, the establishing shot on the second slide didn't contain many characteristics that made it look like an iconic representation of the place. Yet, the story was simple to follow through the shot choices and organization.
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