Thursday, March 13, 2025

Research on CCR Question #4

 Research on CCR Question #4

Now that the journey of the Portfolio Project is coming to an end, it is time to start reflecting on what has been done and how I can show my reflection engagingly.

CCR #4 Question 

How did you integrate technologies - software, and hardware online - in this project? 

Throughout the development of our portfolio project, we used a variety of technologies—both software and hardware—that not only enhanced the overall quality of our film opening but also helped us solve problems and overcome key obstacles during the process. One of the biggest challenges was staying organized and keeping track of our progress. The Blogger platform helped solve this by allowing us to document our work consistently. Posting four blog entries each week for eight weeks helped us reflect on what was working and what needed improvement, which kept us on track. 

Another obstacle we faced was achieving steady, professional footage. At first, our handheld shots were shaky and inconsistent. Using a tripod helped us solve this problem by providing stability and smooth camera movement, leading to cleaner and more polished visuals. During post-production with video editing, Adobe Premiere Pro helped us giving access to professional editing tools and refine our footage, and create seamless transitions.

For sound, one of our problems was recording clean audio without background noise and finding a way to test different music/audio combinations. The Voice Memos app helped by allowing us to quickly record multiple takes of music. We then used iMovie to layer and edit the audio tracks together, solving the issue of combining sounds smoothly and maintaining clear audio throughout the film.

Every piece of technology we used—from the camera and tripod to the editing software and sound tools—played a critical role in solving problems and helping us adapt when things didn’t go as planned. These tools allowed us to work more efficiently.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Research on CCR Question #3

 Research on CCR Question #3

Now that the journey of the Portfolio Project is coming to an end, it is time to start reflecting on what has been done and how I can show my reflection engagingly.

CCR #3 Question

How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

Throughout the process of making this project, I consider that my project partners and I were able to develop new skills and be more detailed in our decisions to create a better product. First, we began our research by investigating what drama films are about and what they include. also, from our personal experiences as teenagers, we wanted to use our personal observations about how Maddie could act, how she would dress, etc.  

We started to plan the most important details, such as the diary and the poster, before filming. However, it was very interesting to notice how the smallest details, such as body language,  the importance of sound and music, facial expressions, and lighting, were better planned as we filmed since I consider that the best way to notice if these details were going to be well presented is by filming and filming again if necessary. 

We had to shoot again many of our shots, since although we planned a storyboard prior and did a lot of research, by filming and then analyzing how the scenes worked together, we noticed that many small details and scenes were missing for our film to seem more realistic and better in general. We started planning only the general way in which the opening film was going to develop, we ended up with a lot of ideas, and small details such as family portraits, close-ups of a calendar, and even original music. 

Looking back to previous class projects, I would say that one that I consider helped us a lot and is also my personal favorite is the Music Marketing Project. I consider myself a very musical person and I believe that the fact that I am now working with the same people as I did in that project helped us a lot to be more comfortable sharing ideas and knowing the preferences of each. In the Music Marketing Project, we also had to film all of the scenes again and I consider that it taught us that most of the time it is necessary to get the best product possible. 

I consider that in that last project, I was comfortable getting out of my comfort zone and just getting my imagination flowing. I suggested and implemented ideas such as creating merchandise, creating a mood board, creating vinyl, creating a Spotify code playlist, and what ended up being the majority of the music video was directed by me. Therefore, I decided that for the next project, I would also try to be as creative as possible. Therefore, I created and composed the melody and music for this Portfolio Project. 

During this project I was able to learn the importance of teamwork, the importance of listening and accepting others' ideas as well as proposing ideas and being always respectful towards others. I learned to always find the positive side of things, to be not a perfectionist but always want to create the best that I can and challenge myself for new things. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Group meeting #2

 Group meeting #2

Hello blog! Today during class we had the opportunity to meet with some of our classmates to discuss and share ideas about our different projects. 

Today I discussed with Wyatt, Jaden, Veronica, and Shira in a group. This is a brief description of what was discussed. 

7502 Wyatt

His film is about sports and tells the story of a boy who wants to be like his brother. He enters into discussions with the coach since he is always being compared by others and himself with his brother who was an amazing basketball player. Learning basketball was his brother's journey but his life was different, There is a mix of drama and comedy. One of the struggles was finding a spot to film at the gym. They also learned that filming took a very long. They ended up filming in an LA fitness gymnasium.

3644 Jaden 

His film tells the story of a girl whose mom died at a very young age, causing her a lot of trauma. She had a very religious family, and they ended up moving to a Christian community. They notice there is a false attribution to Christianity and develop negative perceptions. Jaden showed us how he had to make the photos vintage and used a lot of editing on the color. He had to ask for permission to edit and told us he was undecided about how the final looks too conclusive so he might add an extra scene.

7154 Veronica 

Veronica's opening film is a teenage coming-of-age film.  It shows a main character called Sammy, whose mother died and experiences peer pressure from other teenagers to fit in. Sammy is wearing all black (she was depressed after her mom died), and other friends are wearing pink and supper bright colors. Sammy ends up being forced and ends up drink since they say if she doesn't, they won't be friends anymore. The major problem that Veronica and her group encountered was that they had to change the whole location of the film (it was hard for filming). They were planning to film on the beach near the ocean, but then they filmed at a pool instead of an ocean. Veronica is one of the actors. The colors reflect a lot of the character's personality.

4560 Shira 

Shira's story tells the situation of kids surviving by themselves without their parents in a zombie apocalypse. She told us that shootings took longer than expected, and for lighting, they used flashing lights. Finding the perfect lighting was hard to find. They spent 2 days shooting. It was also harder for her and her group to do the murder scenes. Jaden suggested filming apps.

Overall, it was a very fun experience to share our ideas and support with each other.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Research of CCR Question #2

 Research of CCR Question #2

Now that the journey of the Portfolio Project is coming to an end, it is time to start reflecting on what has been done and how I can show my reflection engagingly.

CCR #2 Question

How does your product engage with audiences and how will it be distributed as a real media text?


Based on research, teenagers and young adults are naturally interested in drama movies because they often show real-life issues relevant to their own experiences. These films typically explore themes such as friendships, family conflicts, romantic relationships, and mental health challenges, all of which are common concerns for young people.

By watching these movies, teenagers and young adults can relate to the characters and storylines, which helps them process their own emotions and navigate the challenges of growing up. Drama movies also provide a safe space for young people to explore complex emotions and issues, and to find comfort in knowing that they're not alone in their struggles. Overall, drama movies offer a unique combination of entertainment, relatability, and emotional resonance that resonates deeply with teenagers and young adults.

How do our production choices work to engage our target audience? 

For our production, we decided to make the wardrobe, setting, lighting, and actions portrayed most commonly and realistically possible. For our characters, we decided to use their wardrobe and clothes to reflect their emotions since it is a way to inform the audience about what is happening and how characters feel without using words to explain it. We decided to show vibrant colors to pick the interest of the audience and inform them that there is something important going on such as the color of the diary, and the vibrant colors on the "last day of school" poster. Finally, realism can make other teenagers relate to the story being portrayed and the reality that many teenagers face nowadays such as isolation, lack of excitement, sadness, nostalgia, etc. 

How do we plan to make it available to an audience? 

Taking into account that we are emerging filmmakers, we want our film to be as accessible as possible for our audience. Therefore, these are some of our distributing options: 

  • YouTube (Free): It is easy to use, at no cost, and perfect for reaching a teen audience that already spends lots of time there. We would also consider adding subtitles, behind-the-scenes, and mental health resources in the description.
  • Film Festivals for Youth or Mental Health: We would want for our film to be available at festivals such as NFFTY (National Film Festival for Talented Youth), Reel Youth Film Festival, Mindscape Film Festival.  These are beginner-friendly, supportive environments, and a great way to get the film noticed.
  • School Screenings / Youth Clubs: We consider that it could have a great direct impact on screenings in schools, wellness clubs, church youth groups, or local community centers.

  • Every. (2025). Every Movie Has a Lesson. Every Movie Has a Lesson.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Editing Process 2

 Editing Process 2

Hi, blog!! I have realized that we are near the end of our project. After many days of shooting and planning, it is time to merge all the different videos, shots, and scenes. 

In the previous blog, I mentioned how fun it was to create the music for the project, I consider that it has been one of the most entertaining and important things I have done with my music, and I never thought I would enjoy it as much. 

Although the music needs editing, so do the shots themselves, therefore, after shooting them, Fatima who is one of the group members decided to edit the videos on her computer. 

Here are some pictures. Here she was, putting all of the shots on the app. 

Here is another picture of her editing the videos together. 

As I have mentioned before, I really enjoy working in groups since I think we can all share our opinions an thoughts and help each other during the process. 

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Editing process 1

 Editing process 1 

Hello blog! So, after filming, it is time to do the editing part, which I am so excited about. During this week, my group and I had to make a lot of decisions about our project, which was complicated since we had to record many of the scenes again, as I have mentioned in previous blogs. Now, it is time to focus on editing and get all of our ideas together.

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that for the audio, we were interested in implementing songs that reflected the atmosphere of sadness and lack of emotions that Maddie experiments with. Still, we wanted to make the audio more appropriate and made specifically for our project. 

As a quick random fact, one of my favorite hobbies is writing and composing music in my free time along with my favorite instruments which are piano and guitar and I love how music can really embody one's feelings, therefore, I decided to propose the idea to my group that I could write and compose the film's music. 

For a couple of days, I dedicated some time to recording different melodies that could represent the tone of the film which is sad and obscure. After I recorded some samples, I decided to use iMovie to edit them together. Here are some pictures and a portion of how one part turned out. 

So far, I would say that making the background music has been my favorite part of the project. I feel like this is the way that I can truly express and discover in a creative way what can be done for this project, as well as experiment with my music. Can't wait to see the final product!

Friday, March 7, 2025

Research of CCR Question #1

 Research of CCR Question #1

Now that the journey of the Portfolio Project is coming to an end, it is time to start reflecting on what has been done and how I can show my reflection engagingly.

CCR #1 Question 

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? 


First, it is necessary to mention the genre conventions, which in my project is drama, based on research, Characters that audiences might recognize as resembling their friends, neighbors, and family members are often the focus of dramas as they navigate the challenges of daily life. These stories typically unfold in a domestic setting, workplace, or within a cast of characters who must interact with each other daily. Current affairs, societal evils, racial prejudice, religious intolerance, drugs, poverty, politics, alcoholism, class conflict, sexual inequality or assault, mental illness, and corrupt institutions are a few of the subjects explored in drama films and television shows.

Dramatic movies and television programs showcase humanity's best and worst aspects. These films may be fictional tales or biopics based on actual individuals. Typically, they convey a strong moral stance or perspective on the world. The characters in these movies are constantly navigating life's challenges.

Why challenge those conventions?

Based on research, we decided to portray the humanity that lives within a teenage girl, who struggles with social interaction and acceptance of reality. We wanted to show the great parts considered in teenage years such as hanging out with friends and going to parties but also the part that many people ignore which is isolation and nostalgia. We wanted to point out the thoughts that many teenagers have bout the desire to escape their reality ending their lives. 


We wanted to do a representation of a daily basis routine that people experience to this day, things that people have experienced years ago, and things that eventually affect people in the future. We wanted to do a representation for those individuals who aren't always noticed and are hidden from what we can watch in plain sight. We wanted to show the emotional weight that young people can hold when it comes to experiencing sad emotions. We wanted to challenge ourselves and portray what not everyone thinks at first or considers the truth, which is sad because based on our research more than 20% of teenagers have seriously considered suicide. 

Where will our piece go? 

Considering our options, we believe that our piece will be distributed in theaters on limited dates. Our film is also eligible for different film festivals around the nation for emerging filmmakers.


  • Hellerman, J. (2023, December 6). Explore the Drama Genre in Film and Television. No Film School; No Film School.
  • Pappas, S. (2023, July 1). More than 20% of Teens Have Seriously Considered suicide. Psychologists and Communities Can Help tackle the problem.; American Psychological Association.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Production Obstacles and Issues

 Production Process Obstacles and Issues 

Previously, it was mentioned that my group and I could shoot various scenes during school and at home. We shot some of the scenes when Maddie was walking around school, and lack of emotion and happiness was visible. All of us were present, yet after a couple of days of looking back at those scenes, we weren't completely happy with the result. 

Although the costuming and setting were what we had in mind, we thought we could get a better result and shoot the scenes at school again. 

Compared to last time, we made sure that the "last day of school" poster was visible and attached to the school wall. We also wanted to make sure that the camera was nicely placed and our main character was placed in the exact middle of the camera so the idea of her importance is more visible to the audience. 
Here are some of the behind-the-scenes of what was shot again. 

We wanted to make sure we were happy with the results so we really took our time and made sure everything was where it was supposed to be. This issue and obstacle have shown me that sometimes it is okay to repeat and go back to get a better result. I was able to learn that it is good to make mistakes so I can learn what I can improve and do better next time. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Production Process 3

 Production Process 3 

Hello blog! As we continue to work more and more on this project, we have recorded scenes at school, now it was time to record the scenes in what would be Maddie's home. Fati who is one of our team members decided she wanted to act as Maddie, therefore we recorded at her house. 

A scene considered one of the most important for us is when Maddie is in her room and closes the drapes of her bedroom since it enhances the feeling of emptiness, lack of motivation, and obscurity. We also considered including the film's title, "Dear Diary;" close after the drapes are closed. 

Here are some of the behind the scenes recorded for that scene 

I also wanted to mention other scenes that we were able to record during these days which was the car scene. Where it is visible how Maddie is in the backseat sad and her friends are happy having a conversation, where the contrast of emotions can be visible. 

Finally, for the school scene that I have previously mentioned, we decided to use the poster that Julia who is a group member did which shows the happiness and joyful energy of high school in contrast with Maddie.

It has been so much fun to do this project and I cant wait to keep you updated about what comes next!!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Production process 2

 Production process 2 

Hi there! So as we get closer to hanging the final result of our project, I wanted to share some of the things we have done. So as the you know, there are multiple scenes that are going to be filmed at school before summer break and we wanted to show that information therefore we thought about doing some school posters.

As you know, it is really important for us to show the contrasts between Maddie and the atmosphere around her therefore we wanted for them to be fun and colorful.

The shapes color and figures in the posters represent happiness and joy. 

In here are some of the posters I made: 

I am really happy about what has been done so far and can’t wait to see the final product!!

Research on CCR Question #4

  Research on CCR Question #4 Now that the journey of the Portfolio Project is coming to an end, it is time to start reflecting on what has ...