Research on CCR Question #3
Now that the journey of the Portfolio Project is coming to an end, it is time to start reflecting on what has been done and how I can show my reflection engagingly.
CCR #3 Question
How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
Throughout the process of making this project, I consider that my project partners and I were able to develop new skills and be more detailed in our decisions to create a better product. First, we began our research by investigating what drama films are about and what they include. also, from our personal experiences as teenagers, we wanted to use our personal observations about how Maddie could act, how she would dress, etc.
We started to plan the most important details, such as the diary and the poster, before filming. However, it was very interesting to notice how the smallest details, such as body language, the importance of sound and music, facial expressions, and lighting, were better planned as we filmed since I consider that the best way to notice if these details were going to be well presented is by filming and filming again if necessary.
We had to shoot again many of our shots, since although we planned a storyboard prior and did a lot of research, by filming and then analyzing how the scenes worked together, we noticed that many small details and scenes were missing for our film to seem more realistic and better in general. We started planning only the general way in which the opening film was going to develop, we ended up with a lot of ideas, and small details such as family portraits, close-ups of a calendar, and even original music.
Looking back to previous class projects, I would say that one that I consider helped us a lot and is also my personal favorite is the Music Marketing Project. I consider myself a very musical person and I believe that the fact that I am now working with the same people as I did in that project helped us a lot to be more comfortable sharing ideas and knowing the preferences of each. In the Music Marketing Project, we also had to film all of the scenes again and I consider that it taught us that most of the time it is necessary to get the best product possible.
I consider that in that last project, I was comfortable getting out of my comfort zone and just getting my imagination flowing. I suggested and implemented ideas such as creating merchandise, creating a mood board, creating vinyl, creating a Spotify code playlist, and what ended up being the majority of the music video was directed by me. Therefore, I decided that for the next project, I would also try to be as creative as possible. Therefore, I created and composed the melody and music for this Portfolio Project.
During this project I was able to learn the importance of teamwork, the importance of listening and accepting others' ideas as well as proposing ideas and being always respectful towards others. I learned to always find the positive side of things, to be not a perfectionist but always want to create the best that I can and challenge myself for new things.
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