Summary of Project Idea
Week 3, Blog 3
Thursday, February 13th, 2025
Summary of Project Idea
Based on multiple conversations among my partners and all the information gathered based on research, this is a summary of the Project Idea.
Dramatic Genre
Our chosen genre for the project is drama. We chose drama since it enhances the different characteristics that we wanted to implement and portray the story through. Some of the characteristics of this genre that we found the most interesting were the major conflict presented, in our case, we want to portray a social issue among teenagers, such as isolation and coping mechanisms toward emotions.
Our plot will increase as the story progresses, showing more and more details in depth as well as more and more profound layers of the social and internal issues presented. Finally, we chose this genre since it gives a deeper focus to one character, in this case, the girl, who will show her isolated life, emotions, and coping mechanisms regardless of whether they are morally right or wrong.
Project Title
Our title is "Dear Diary;" we decided to choose that title since the main character uses her diary and writing, in general, to express her emotions, preserve her memories, and track her life. The diary is a symbol of her life and struggles. We decided to include a semicolon since it is a symbol of survival for people who attempted to put an end to their lives, yet they survived those moments, which is what our main character also represents.
Main Character
Our main character is a teenage girl who is a high school student in the United States of America. She and her family are from South America therefore, she still conserves many memories and past friendships in her memories, and she constantly feels nostalgia and is unable to get used to her surroundings.
Settings and extra characters
Our story will begin at school, where the isolation of the main character can be seen compared to her surroundings. Although people around her seem happy since summer break started, she is unable to connect with others. The next setting will be the girl's house, she is home alone and in there we can see more in-depth who she is, her personality, her emotions, and her coping thoughts or actions towards her sad feelings.
The biggest theme of our project is isolation and nostalgia since our main character is not only physically isolated but also emotionally and mentally. She is a nostalgic girl since she misses her past friends, experiences, emotions, and life in general.
One of the main symbols, as previously mentioned, is the semicolon, we want to show it directly and indirectly around the project, around written texts visible in the background, the diary itself, and using the ";" shape in our favor.
The diary itself, as written in the title of the project symbolizes our main character's desire for communication and a reflection of her mind. The colors, and organization of her words in the diary also are a tangible representation of her life as it progresses.
- Leon. (2012, May 25). What is Drama and How is it Different from Other Literature? Wingardium Leviosa.
- Kelly, J. (2025). not my photo. Pinterest.
- sar. (2024, August 16). Minimalist Buterfluffy Tattoo. Pinterest.